This is the Homepage of the freerails2 project. It's based on the freerails project, but has many speed improvements. Look in the Wiki for the latest informations.

Last updated 21 August 2008

Freerails2 is a real time multi player strategy game where players compete to build the most powerful railroad empire. It is written in Java. Development is not yet complete.

Play now (V0.4.0 for jdk1.6) (Size 1.7M; updated 16 Dec; requires Java 1.6)

Play now (V0.4.0 for jdk1.6 and OpenGL) (Size 1.7M; updated 16 Dec; requires Java 1.6)

If you are interested in getting involved in the Freerails2 project, go to the sourceforge web page.


Freerails2 Sourceforge page

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